Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all!

What a beautiful time of year! Steve and I just returned from a quick trip to the Smokies. Although the colors weren't at their peak, the mountains were simply stunning.

I can't help but notice the beauty of the season close to home, too.  My neighbors go all out with the seasonal decorations. Pumpkins, scarecrows, and mums galore! To be honest, I'm feeling a little pressure. Surfing Pinterest and following many blogs just add to this feeling of inadequacy. . . especially when I stumbled upon this post:

"But really, we all know that decorating the front entry of our homes for fall is an absolute must do!  Especially since I'm the neighbor that totally skipped over the whole pumpkin month last year - yep, I was totally that neighbor - with dead ferns by her front door on Halloween - now that is scary."

Ouch. My family knows how tight I am with money. It's just so hard for me to make purchases that seem so temporary. I guess I've rationalized all these years that I have dried ferns, not dead ferns. There's a difference, right? How can others get by with displaying dead corn? So not fair. Nevertheless, I'm determined to no longer be that neighbor.

Phase I: Good. Give my dried ferns to the garbage man. I think my porch looks a little sad and bare, but at least no one can say I have dead ferns anymore!

Phase II: Better. Replace dried ferns with mums. I can rationalize pretty much any expense if it comes in orange and white! :)

Phase III: Best. My all-time favorite seasonal decoration for this time of year? Shrek! He has followed us on three moves to three different neighborhoods. Inevitably, he becomes a popular photo op for trick-or-treaters. I crack up every time Shrek strikes up a conversation with the little ones. While Steve isn't a true ventriloquist, it doesn't take much to stir the imagination of your typical 3-year-old. Now that's priceless!

Happy Fall Y'all!

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